If a single tooth is lost for various reasons, this gap can be closed with an implant and coating on it. A dental implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root.

It is an up-to-date treatment method in which the implant screw is inserted into the bone in the region where the cavity is located, without wearing the teeth in front and behind the missing teeth, and then a single coating is placed.

Some part of the bone surrounding the root starts to be resorbed after tooth extraction. Implants, on the other hand, integrate with your jaw bone and help keep bone healthy and firm. Because the implant will replace your dental root, the bone is better preserved. In some cases, applications such as bone grafts, membranes, prf, g-prf are applied to implant the bone cavities. Bone grafts enriched with autologous growth factor as graft material in tooth extraction spaces provide additional benefits in the height and quality of the bone where the implants are placed. (1)

The implant is successfully applied as an alternative to dental bridges. To apply a single dental implant, it is necessary to have enough space to coat in that area and a bone suitable for the diameter and length of the implant.

The differences between the bridge and the implant;

 It may be easier to keep the implant application more aesthetic and cleaner than a bridge in the long term.

 The gums around the lining of the bridge can be pulled and the metal inside the lining can be seen.

 When the bone under the bridge is resorbed, and unwanted image occurs during a smile.

 The adhesive that binds the bridge prostheses to the teeth can dissolve over time and provide a suitable environment for nutrient residues and plaque accumulation.

How is the implant placed?

In the first method, it waits for two to three months after the implant is placed on the jawbone. When the implant is augmented to the bone, the gum is opened as a second step and the gingival-forming implant parts are placed on the implant. Usually, a second step of the procedure is required to open the implant and add an extension. After about two weeks, the gums heal. And the superstructure called an abutment is placed. The coating is made on this superstructure. In some cases, it can use single-stage implant systems that will not require the second stage. This

In systems, the gum healing head is mounted to the implant. This system eliminates the need for secondary surgery of the gingiva.

In the second method, the implant is done immediately after tooth extraction. In this method, if the bone structure is suitable and there is no risk of infection, the implant can be performed immediately after withdrawal. In this way, 6-8 following tooth extraction

There is no need to wait for bone formation for a week. (2nd)

It can also be made immediately in the coating. In this way, temporary teeth to be done eliminates aesthetic problems. While waiting for the formation of the bone in the implant jaw, some methods can be applied in the formation of the gum and gingival papilla.

According to some studies, gum quality is important for implant aesthetics, but some research results have revealed that this is not important. (3)

The superstructures used on the implant gain importance especially on the front teeth. It can reflect under the gums of the superstructures. To minimize this reflection, ceramic abutments are preferred over metal abutments. (4)

In some cases, soft tissue grafting is performed by thickening the gum using connective tissue grafts. Good results are obtained in both color and shape. (5)

Implant operations without flap removal; Even in people with periodontal disease, where the buccal surface of the alveolar bone is resorbed, with minimally invasive treatment, patients are satisfied. (6)

Although the use of titanium as an implant material is generalized, zirconia has started to be used successfully in implants. Although zirconia implants are used more and more every day for both tissue-friendly and aesthetic reasons, new research is needed. (7)

Thanks to the developing technologies and researches, the success of single-tooth implant application methods is increasing. Patients with a single tooth deficiency prefer implant application more. However, a preliminary examination should be made to apply a single dental implant, and if necessary, dental tomography should be performed. Good planning should be made to avoid unwanted aesthetic results and to avoid implant loss. If necessary, the implant should be placed in the most suitable place in the bone using the implant guide.

(1) Autogenous Bone Ring Transplant vs Autologous Growth Factor-Enriched Bone Graft Matrix In

Extraction Sockets With Deficient Buccal Bone: A Comparative Clinical Study.

Chandra RV, Shivateja K, Reddy AA.

(2) Immediate implant placement for a single anterior maxillary tooth with a facial bone wall

defect: A prospective clinical study with a one-year follow-up period.

Liu R1, Yang Z

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