Do not eat while under the anesthesia: If anesthesia is performed during treatment, it should not be eaten because of the possibility of biting and damaging soft tissues such as tongue, lips, and cheeks until the numbness passes.

Follow the physician’s nutritional plan after implant treatment: In this type of implant prosthesis, the nutritional plan differs according to the area of ​​the implant, the size of the operation, the type and the hardness of the bone.

​​If your physician has not made special nutritional planning, you can only eat soft foods during the first 1.5 months. From the second 1.5 months, you can gradually switch to medium-hard foods. After 3 months, all medium hard foods can be eaten easily.

Soft foods: all liquids, soup, yogurt, pasta, eggs, rice, lightly soaked bread, boiled vegetables, custard, rice pudding, etc.

Medium-hard foods: all kinds of meat and vegetable dishes cooked in water, tomatoes, soft apples, grilled chicken, peanuts, chocolate, etc.

Hard foods: quince, hard green apple, white roasted chickpea, freshly baked chocolate, hard bread crust, overcooked hard fiber meat, etc.

Do not bite with your front teeth: Avoid sticky substances such as chewing gum and marshmallows. When bitten with the front teeth, the back gets up in the air and disrupts the balance of the prosthesis.

Clean the prostheses regularly: Dentures should be removed twice a day and brushed with a toothbrush and liquid soap. Toothpaste can scratch the prosthesis, causing more bacteria to accumulate on it.

After the implant treatment, do your oral care regularly: Cleaning the soft tissues inside the mouth is as important as the prosthesis above the implant. For this, you should clean the soft tissues in the mouth, metal parts on the implant, if any, with a very soft brush 2 times a day. You can also gargle twice a day for 1 minute (eg Listerine). It is not recommended to use mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine for more than 2 weeks, as it causes impairment in coloring and taste.

Clean your implant prosthesis after the meal: Although it is not very detailed after each meal during the day, it is very useful to remove the prosthesis and run it under water and rinse your mouth even if it is only with water.

Take out the prosthesis and lie down: While lying down, remove your prosthesis and clean your mouth and sleep without wearing the prosthesis. If you have a few teeth left in your mouth and these teeth cause you to bite your palate when you remove your prosthesis, you can sleep with your prosthesis by talking to your doctor about the situation

If you are using prosthetic adhesives: Be sure to clean the soft tissues and over the implant prostheses from the adhesive (by brushing with warm water) before going to bed every night.

Problems After Implant Treatment

If your prosthesis hurts: The incompatible and edges of the prosthesis sometimes injure the implant in the surgery area by pushing the gum and damaging the implant. If this is a painful condition, do not wear the implant replacement and come to the clinic without having to make an appointment.

Speech difficulties: You have to learn to speak with your prosthesis again. To this end, try to speak loudly and read a newspaper or a magazine aloud by going against a mirror every day from the first day. You will be able to speak much better in 2-4 weeks at the latest.

Abnormality of saliva flow: Saliva flow may be more or less. However, this will return to normal within 2-3 days.

The prosthesis causes nausea: Massage 2-3 times a day to the area where your upper palate meets your small tongue at the back with your index finger for 2-3 days.

In the next three days, do the same massage with a soft toothbrush with little toothpaste. After these sessions, while wearing your prosthesis, touch the tip of your tongue to the salt for the first 1-2 days and attach your prosthesis like that. You will be amazed that the feeling of nausea, which you think will never pass, is quite reduced.

Inserting the prosthesis into the tongue is uncomfortable: If there are no sharp edges and corners, it will take a few weeks to get the tongue accustomed to this new prosthesis. If there is a condition that injures the tongue, contact your doctor.

Pressing to the teeth: In some cases, dentures are attached to some natural teeth left in the mouth with steel wire (crochet). In this way, the prosthesis remains more stable in place and does not play. If the wires that provide the connection to these teeth are too tight, it causes pain in your tooth. Loosening some of these wires will solve the problem.