Restorative Dental Treatments

Restorative Dental Treatments

Restorative Dental Treatments

Tooth decay

If the necessary attention is not paid to oral care, dental caries starts to progress and threaten the tooth (nerve). If the rotten tooth is treated before it reaches the essence, it is possible to fill it before the vitality of the tooth is lost. What needs to be done is to go to the dentist for a check every six months. Thus, the dentist goes on the treatment way by identifying the x-ray film, which you may not notice, by examination methods. Because, apart from the traditional methods (silver filling), composite (radiant fillings in tooth color) fillings are also used in the treatment of teeth. With new technological developments, aesthetic and functional solutions are provided by making composite filling restorations and ceramic filling restorations in tooth color.


In cases where the pulp is not opened to the mouth environment for any reason (usually dental caries) but is very close to it, it is a form of treatment that the dentist applies to protect the pulp without infection and to increase the distance between the external environment.

Conditions in which Blood Treatment is Necessary

In cases where the pulp cannot heal itself due to deep caries and cracks, the tooth loses its vitality and the infection can spread to the whole tooth. If no canal treatment is made, the infection can reach the tissues at the root end. The jaw bone surrounding the tooth is also inflamed and worn. An abscess occurs in this space. Pain and swelling are accompanied by this picture. Teeth are lost in a short time. When such a situation is encountered, canal treatment is the only option.

First of all, it should be known that no artificial teeth replace natural teeth. Therefore, we must protect our natural teeth and protect them to the end. One of our teeth is one of the most well-known methods of protection in her disease.

Stages of Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Stages

First of all, anesthesia is applied to the tooth for painless and painless treatment.

Then the caries is cleaned, and when the essence of the tooth is reached, the diseased and soft tissue is removed. Nerve and tissue residues are removed.

The tooth canal is shaped up to the root tip. The treatment process can be accelerated by making use of the tissue healing feature of the laser.

Root Canal Treatment Stages in Infected Teeth

Since the tooth loses its vitality due to infection, the above procedures are performed without anesthesia.

Until symptoms of infection resolve, CaOH (calcium hydroxide), an antimicrobial agent, is applied to the tooth treated for one or more sessions. The canal is filled with a special filler up to the root tip.

In some cases, it is not necessary to complete these sessions and it is possible to finish the canal treatment healthily.

Laser Usage in Canal Treatment

The carious and damaged tissues of the anesthetized tooth are cleaned. Then the essence of the tooth (nerve) is reached and the soft tissue residues are removed.

Using the laser, the canal and surrounding tissues in the root of the tooth are purified from microorganisms. During the application, the laser provides a smooth treatment procedure without damaging the dental and surrounding tissues. Finally, the root canal is filled with specially manufactured agents.